MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Zip Code (OH) The Zipcode for Middleburg Heights is . Middleburg is the actual or alternate city name associated with 2 ZIP Codes by the US Postal Service.. The current time in Middleburg is 5:23:28 PM This is the MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS ZIP Code page list. ZIP code 44130 is located in northeast Ohio and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. Nearest Zip Codes: 20118 - Middleburg, VA 20117 - Middleburg, VA 20131 - Philomont, VA 20198 - The Plains, VA 20105 - Aldie, VA 20169 - Haymarket, VA 20185 - Upperville, VA 20141 - Round Hill, VA 20140 - Rectortown, VA 20184 - Upperville, VA 20175 - Leesburg, VA 20137 - Broad Run, VA 20144 - Delaplane, VA 20135 - Bluemont, VA 20158 - ⦠The official US Postal Service name for 32068 is MIDDLEBURG, Florida. Get the NPA NXX (area code and prefix) as well as much more data for MIDDLEBURG, FL. Daylight saving time should be observed in the area where the zip code is located. Middleburg has 1 zip code and 1 area code which we have listed below. What Time Zone is Middleburg, Virginia. Lookup area code information for MIDDLEBURG, FL. Find MoreCities in North Carolina that start with M, Post Office Suburb:MIDDLEBURG, NC, 27556-9998,