Hey, you have not one, not two, but three different values here for the lvl 15 miner’s quest. <<< This should be South Shroud. It says “Toil of the pioneer” but that’s for botany and since this is a mining class, it should read “Toil of the mountaineer” just in case someone thinks “Oh… i need to lvl up my botanist to 50 in order to use these rotations.”. very fast, and easy to grab bonus exp on Same goes for level 66-68, you wanna grab the Dunes of Our Lives Levequest as that is exuially fast and gives a sweet 144k more if you get a 25% bonus. Same old same old “Get evaluation, avoid the rest”. Dragonproofing is the 4 node Sticking it out is the 8 node :), the mining rotations need to be fixed. Thanks! Thankfully, these items are rather useful – unlike the item offered in our Botanist’s counterpart. Evenstar jade, dravania forelands, random like the fossilized, level 60 item, havent gotten it as turn-in yet. Nearest aetheryte for the lv 70 miner class quest is Ala Gannha, fyi. 300GP)> Gather > Deep Vigor (Solid Reason? Actually, unless you already have a DoL class at or past level 35, you can’t accept or even see level 35 fieldcraft levequests, A correction to my previous reply, even if your BTN or FSH are level 35, your MIN must be level 35 in order to do the level 35 levequests, Thanks for all your help really great man. so…no help for brand new gatherers? Got questions or corrections? I went to Coerthas and looked everywhere but there’s no one in or around the Observatorium that hands out Leve quests. The other two objective should be avoided: It’s a different world in MANY respects! otherwise I would have to utmost Caution followed by two Methdoicals and take 4 home. Stats required 2140 Stickler is a pretty cool skill, but has little to no use while leveling up. I just completed the level 15 job quest. 36-40 Gathering Lv. Um… Nothing big, I’m just OCD and I noticed it says the 46-50 node locations are in “Bluefrog” but it’s actually called “Bluefog” lolol Just thought I should say something ^.^. NO CHANGES IN THE METHOD YOU USE TO LEVEL UP for a good two levels. At the 60+ part of the guide, I think you should mention the gathering/perception you should have after obtaining and melding the gaganaskin etc gear. Great help for leveling, but my 40 quest was raw amethyst hq not raw jade. Dunno if it was changed or what but figured I’d share. You know the drill by now. (I have 572 gosh HQ accs are expensive post 50), I love you! You also have ONE new unspoiled node (which happens to be your collectable WHICH YOU LIKELY CANNOT FARM). Oh also I was able to mine Darksteel Ore and I’m only level 47 .-. For a nice guide to the Diadem, click here! Thanks! Regarding Mining Class Quest Items, it’s ideal to farm for them BEFORE you hit the next quest. 300GP)> Gather. If you are referring to the level 15 locations listed under Node ID 15c, the location for these should really say “Exit to Western Thanalan”. Also you’ll have exactly 700 GP which is really important for the collectable rotation! FFXIV Carpenter Leveling Guide L1 to 80 | 5.3 ShB Updated, FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide (80 Shadowbringers Updated! IF Grinding: farm everything equally, except Sunstone. Might i make a suggestion? The LVL59 offhands can be purchased inside Matoya’s Cave in the Hinterlands. Odd thing to note. If you grind a lot for your own materials or for selling, GET THEM NOW! Just as a heads up to you, and anyone trying to copy/paste the macro: There is a difference between the “Angled” quotation marks in the macro above, and the type of quotation marks that the macros require. then deep vigor. I’m open to suggestions, but I literally know not how to help your case. Naturally, Norvrandt has DIFFERENT LEVE PLATES, too! I have scoured the area in and around the clutch, royal allegan sunway, and beyond. Level 11 to 15 Mining Nodes and Materials Locations: I have to remind you: Unearth is good. Thanks so far! and having definitely less than 600gp. (The following skills can AND SHOULD BE MACRO’D). Move 8) Deep Vigor will light up at this point. Raw stats like Gathering and Perception are infinitely more useful while leveling. Discussing the end-game here seems a little weird so I might revive or remake the good ol’ DoL End-game guide – stay tuned! Once a day, your GC asks you for some things you can gather – giving you a CHUNKY EXP REWARD in return. Yeah, they’re nearby the Facet guys…. Again, you can buy this from NPC’s but I wouldn’t advise it. - Mahiko "Hopeful" San. Where to find Cinnabar? You have a new collectable option, Highland Spring Water, but it kinda sucks. Adamantite is Slot 6 in Azys Lla at 11 ET AM/PM with a min collectability of 470. Not all DoH Levequests are created equal! I haven’t seen those mentioned in this guide yet. First of all, you might want to check out our Gathering General FAQ, and Mining General FAQ before you begin. Never noticed that downgrade option! then i use the +1 yield and i get guaranteed 2 HQ from those nodes. It’d be faster to just use google from the get-go then try and piece together what you need to be doing across multiple guides here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Such as? You can complete both of these quests in one go, to save time. Leveling Miner to 80 is no different. good suggestion… but if your gear is this high, you can replace your gear at around lvl 65. So you can finally FARM COLLECTABLES FOR MEGACHUNKS OF EXP. We should just unofficially rename it. But with this new expansion and stats varying slightly, I find myself not really sure how to build my WHM/AST/SCH. L71 Collectables? Required fields are marked *. 16-20 Gathering Lv. It WILL help you, but not by much. Power Level your Miner! Need to add Limonite Lv. So don’t worry if your food buff doesn’t have it. go for the shards. A new collectable gets unlocked – Raw Triplite! Just to let you know, you also get Marble in the same nodes as Electrium Sand in Upper La Noscea. Already familiar? one question: “Level 20/25 Mining Levequests: East Shroud, Quarrymill.” e.e?? (That’s 300k every 35 minutes boys and girls!) Been looking around for about an hour now. So, For the Level 35 Levequests, who are we supposed to speak to ? but don’t slack off now! Take note that these 12 weekly submissions are not only SHARED AMONGST ALL DoH AND DoL CLASSES, but also SHARED BETWEEN ALL “CLIENTS”. I don’t see a mention of where to turn in the level 71 collectibles. Wow, thanks! !!! Same old, same old here – I don’t recommend ’em but if you’re rushing here you, go! To be honest, there is an in-game node list, but we hoped by guiding the player with map text, it may be easier for them. The moment you hit L74, please read the next section ASAP! you may have to “unlock” them first by doing the trial leve. Ah, nevermind, the website automatically changed my quotes. And I also thought it was camp Bluefrog for the longest time lol. Evenstar jade, dravania forelands, random like the fossilized, level 60 item, havent gotten it as turn-in yet. 20 nodes show at 16 if i remember correctly! They are if you want to craft for yourself (for the purposes of leveling up), It’s not a huge deal but if you’re passing by… why not? You don’t do toil… you memorize the slot that it’s in and smack it to reveal. Do you mean to refer to a different skill in your guide for 60+ leveling? Pretty frustrating actually. )> Deep Vigor (Solid Reason? I think Dragonproofing is a better leve, don’t you? Crafting or the Market Board. MORE CLARIFICATION! Namely: Yellow Alumen and Coarse Saltpeter in Amh Araeng. Yup, 99 Obsidian. Worry not! Are they just to sell? What I did: I simply did my thing until all the items I needed replacing spiritbonded. If you’re lazy you can also buy this from tradecraft merchant NPC’s (not recommended). I don’t see a mention of where to turn in the level 71 collectibles. Right, I should update these as I have unlocked them as well. Why is this guide missing so many random things that require you to make an extra google search? Its still a good chunk of exp with less than half the work Sticking it out has. Comment below if it's about this guide. I have scoured the area in and around the clutch, royal allegan sunway, and beyond. It’s great for grinding mats. Kinda nit-picky comment, but I actually checked in my Actions list to see if I needed to drag Toil of the Pioneer onto my hotbar for MIN… then I realized it was a non-crossclass skill and what I needed was Toil of the Mountaineer, which was already on my hotbar. thanks! Miner 15: Cinnabar (HQ) 15 Changed to 10 Cinnabar HQ. Thankfully, the Shadowbringers tier to L80 for your MIN is weirdly easy…. The earlier parts of this guide are old, and are slated to be upgraded in this major expac release – would be open to suggestions…, your macro /ac “Discerning Eye” /ac “Methodical Appraisal” /ac “Discerning Eye” /ac “Methodical Appraisal” /ac “Single Mind” /ac “Methodical Appraisal”. The earlier parts of this guide are old, and are slated to be upgraded in this major expac release – would be open to suggestions…, your macro /ac “Discerning Eye” /ac “Methodical Appraisal” /ac “Discerning Eye” /ac “Methodical Appraisal” /ac “Single Mind” /ac “Methodical Appraisal”. There will be one final hurdle youâll need to jump before accepting âMislaid Plans,â and thatâs to have at least one gatherer or crafter at level 80. Level 10 Node Locations Unlocked: Western Thanalan (The East Hammer), Central Thanalan (Royal Allagan Starway) Lower La Noscea (Cedarwood). Other Sources of Cordials? For future reference, feel free to dump your excess GC seals on these or Ventures for future expacs. Lots of unique and useful features which you will never find in any other bots, friendly and fast support. You “CAN” grind right now but should you? About to start working on fisher tomorrow. It is so so so helpful. Minimum requirement 450, top left corner of Sea of Clouds (same node as red quartz). As far as I can see, I don’t think there are many practical mining macros. Hey, you have not one, not two, but three different values here for the lvl 15 miner’s quest. This is the best crafted set of armor and weapon that you can find and it can be purchased through the market board. you may have to “unlock” them first by doing the trial leve. Every journey begins with supplies and ends depending on how well you stocked up! - Mahiko "Hopeful" SanFirst of all, you might want to check out our Gathering General FAQ, and Mining General FAQ before you begin.before you begin. great start, and I appreciate the work! They’re great for muscling past the deadzone – but their only purpose from now on, IMO, is to “SPEED THINGS UP” (Also, leves are quite important for DoH classes if you’re leveling those). The given exp for this node is also pretty decent. Yellow Scrip upgrades are mentioned at L80+, it is viable at 60+ as well but the older segments do not reflect this (the SHB part does). and having definitely less than 600gp. Once you’re happy with the collectability, click the Collect button until you cannot gather any longer. (That’s 300k every 35 minutes boys and girls!) The level 20 nodes aren’t showing up for me. How, you say? And I also thought it was camp Bluefrog for the longest time lol. Thanks! Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. odd.. end-game gear guide… and for unspoiled, while I made a guide here.. ffxivclock.com would serve you much better :). Haha yes we were also thinking of putting “EXIT TO..” like you suggested, haha. I personally held till 65 but either way works, Was able to gather darksteel ore at lvl 46 south of camp dragonhead. Any ideas on what’s happening? Given that you talk about upgrading the accessories at 63, is it worthwhile doing the same for the left side or just hold out till 65. You can downgrade them to their non-collectable item (thus allowing them to stack and be sold/used for crafting). It’s very likely you’re wearing some pretty sub-optimal gear. WITHOUT THE L74 UPGRADE PIECES: You will NOT reliably be able to collect Raw Triplite. Just a quick question. L71 Collectables? Thankfully you reached out and the other 2 typos were fixed! Suggestions for improvement? Welcome to r/ffxiv! Move 3) Solid Reason (restores +1 gathering chances, but you have to have spent at least one dig first. I will list the great L72 leves in the next section, if you’re interested. Patch 5.25 adds a wealth of new relics to Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, and none are more grindy than the crafter/gatherer Skysteel Tool materials. The gathering guides aren’t updated to include farming some of the “housing only” mats, since not everyone might be able to use them. old comment, but I was puzzled by this as well. If I rolled well on Instinctual I would Single Mind Methodical and have over my 240 and get 5 whole rocks! Greetings, fellow Botanists, Miners, and Fishermen! Grinding kinda sucks, and you can’t do new collectables! There are only TWO new items available for you to grind. I try to gather at least 1 of each item for gathering log completion (and a bit of bonus EXP!). ASIDE FROM WEAR, you must still respect gathering attempts. For Miner this means questing for the Facet of Gathering. Please, can you inform how do I get the gear for that amount? No big deal either way. Mining--n / a Rarefied Tungsten Ore 80 600 The Tempest (33, 20) The Ondo Cups 02:00 Mining x20/30/50 (W) n / a Rarefied Gyr Abanian Alumen 80 600 The Fringes (32, 31) Peering Stones 10:00 Mining x20/30/50 (W) n / a Hi, I am new here and recently started mining following this awesome guide. Useful links to have open: Mining Node Locations | Gathering Gear Guide. Rock My Wall Candor 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 7,680 182-204 Wall Stone Travel to the South Shroud, equip a miner's primary If you have un-melded Facet tools, the final step of the Skysteel tools will be an upgrade. So, For the Level 35 Levequests, who are we supposed to speak to ? We're organizing our email situation if you're into that. (They’re better off spent on Fishing and DoH, IMO). Just saw this myself after I spent over 1.5 million Gil upgrading to the recommended gear. Miner Leveling Guide – Navigation: MIN Level: [01-15] | [16-35] | [36-50] | [50-60] |[60-70] | [70-80], FFXIVGuild MIN Guides Mining Leveling Guide | MIN Levequests | Mining Node & Material Locations. They take the 4 node evaluation over the 8 node because its the same exp for completion but takes less time and gp to complete. I got botanist and miner both to 70 over the past three weeks thanks to this. Use the yellow scrips to acquire the gatherer gear from the vendors. With Collector’s Glove on, instead of gathering an item you will enter a mini-game, with the goal of increasing the item’s collectability. In the mining guild, lower area across from the guild master. 1-5 Gathering Lv. Join our IRL Cross-World Linkshells (socials lol): Contact us about anything and everything. Was just about to write the same thing. “Field Mastery” is Botanist only, and not available as an option to miners. Some say Crit, other swear by Pie. Just wondering if I should bookmark because I love the layout. Just confirming since I just hit 66 at the collectable appraiser– Raw Azurite does show up right at 66. Let’s get to it. Not much to grind! Same Question. Just to let you know, you also get Marble in the same nodes as Electrium Sand in Upper La Noscea. At 58 Mythrite sand really dips its exp gain so I set CWH as Home as Return was up every time I needed it and farmed Titanium from The Forelands. About to start working on fisher tomorrow. The material can withstand 30 “Wear” (many of your collectability skills interact with item wear). )> Deep Vigor (Solid Reason? Level up Mining Quickly! The links weren’t working. (costs 300gp) Move 4-7) dig four times, you should have one gather chance left at this point. Travel to Eastern Thanalan, equip a miner's primary tool, and commence mining. So for gathering the blue scrips, itâs highly suggested that you go with botany and/or mining as youâre not as reliant on the RNG aspect, not as much as fishing. I just completed the level 15 job quest. I’m having a hard time figuring out at what point I should replace the itemlvl 200 mining gear you could get at the end of HW. Updates Dec 8th 2020 Added all new items from Patch 5.4! Why is this guide missing so many random things that require you to make an extra google search? In the Crystarium? Where to find Obsidian? With this rotation you would end up using 900GP!!! In the actual 11-15 section, you say 10 HQ Cinnabars at the beginning in bold type, but then when going through what to stockpile for grinding in that level range, you imply that it’s 20: “40 Cinnabar (20 for the quest)”. Move 10) Dig and receive a guaranteed 2 HQ minerals. For anyone coming after, there’s no way you’ll have 600, just completely ignore that part of the guide until you get to around 55. Just a quick update for the Yellow Copper Ore i’m currently leveling mining and was keeping an eye out for this but it wasn’t appearing at the listed time of 12ET so i did a bit of looking and since Stormblood the time has been changed to 4am/pm ET. This is basically a FREE and FAT “levequest” that refreshes every day. Don't be shy! Darksteel ore is ALWAYS the 3rd node from the top, you DO NOT need toil of the mountaineer to reveal the node. - Mahiko "Hopeful" San, Miner Leveling Guide – Navigation: MIN Level: [01-15] | [16-35] | [36-50] | [50-60] |[60-70] | [70-80]. It’s one of those “non unspoiled” collectables which are hardly worth. The only grinding I did at this point was when trying to get my own HQ materials for GC daily submissions. Level 5 Mining Levequests: Ul’dah Adventurers’ Guild & Scorpions Crossing. At level 45 for whatever reason if you head to Bluefog right at that point you only can find the level 40 outcrops. Using all 12 on one class SHOULD immediately remove you from the DEAD ZONE – but this is once a week. Darksteel ore is ALWAYS the 3rd node from the top, you DO NOT need toil of the mountaineer to reveal the node. If you are referring to the level 20 locations listed as being at “Royal Allagan Sunway”, be aware that this is a location in Eastern Thanalan, and it is different from the “Royal Allagan Starway” near Black Brush Station (Central Thanalan). While there are many other pieces of gear available – EVERYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL. For lvl 50+ you say I need to have Gathering 600+. You’ll need to backspace and replace each of them. Message us on any of our socials above about anything. would depend what I do. As far as I can see, I don’t think there are many practical mining macros. Personally, since I gather for my own DoH classes, I opted to pick these up / make them. These grant a ton of red gathering scripts and EXP. 63 upgrade is completely optional (left-side). Use it for 100% HQ chance on the next dig. Before anything else, HERE IS A VERY CRITICAL GEAR UPDATE! At 58 Mythrite sand really dips its exp gain so I set CWH as Home as Return was up every time I needed it and farmed Titanium from The Forelands. TALK TO US! I’m a level 20 miner and I cannot find any mining above level 10 near blackbrush. It’s been very helpful! It’s merely a suggestion… if you wish to level up DOH, these are probably all you’re gonna need to hit all 50’s. Um… Nothing big, I’m just OCD and I noticed it says the 46-50 node locations are in “Bluefrog” but it’s actually called “Bluefog” lolol Just thought I should say something ^.^. I’ll look into it… very strange error…. I’m sorry, but thankfully the context gets across. On that last part for the lvl 60 Mining Quest help fro getting the Adamantite Ore, you need to change “Ageless Words” (BTN) to “Solid Reason” (MIN). I just did the quest and I know it’s 10, but maybe make it not so ambiguous. May need to be updated ^_^. Man, I dont know what else to suggest but follow the quest log! Cuprite is Slot 2, not 3. If I rolled well on Instinctual I would Single Mind Methodical and have over my 240 and get 5 whole rocks! It might be difficult, but it is indeed doable! Buying FFXIV Gil Secure Delivery Methods 1. I don’t think you should add Levequests in your routine while leveling up any longer. The higher gathering chance helps you save GP for more farmy +yield skills instead of +gathering chance. This comment is referencing leveling from 70 to 80***. Level 5 Node Locations Unlocked: Central Thanalan (Four Sisters, Stonesthrow) Western Thanalan (Gate of the Sultana). Why does it say stockpile why do ya stockpile that ? Just a quick update for the Yellow Copper Ore i’m currently leveling mining and was keeping an eye out for this but it wasn’t appearing at the listed time of 12ET so i did a bit of looking and since Stormblood the time has been changed to 4am/pm ET. This technique works well in botany, too. Go out of your way to do them (or buy them off the MB), especially the “starred” entries. Funny I just did it for my 40 quest and it was HQ jade. I checked to make sure prospect was on and even updated my gear, just in case, but nothing shows up on my minimap or in game. Move 10) Dig and receive a guaranteed 2 HQ minerals. So do you advise getting 50 then go back and get achievements for ilvl 55 gear? Am I missing something? But if you can try – why not! Stop wasting time! FFXIV Carpenter Leveling Guide L1 to 80 | 5.3 ShB Updated, FFXIV Botanist Leveling Guide (80 Shadowbringers Updated! Or is there something I’m missing ; ; Thanks for the helpful guide tho ; v ; Sad I’ve only just found it. Always turn in the highest collectible rating possible. The Skysteel Tools are endgame items, so this shouldnât come as a surprise., so this shouldnât come as a surprise. At the 60+ part of the guide, I think you should mention the gathering/perception you should have after obtaining and melding the gaganaskin etc gear. You can turn in 6 per week. Use it once at Chain #4 and it applies to all gathers afterward, so those +2 Gathering Attempt nodes can really really help you out. Its still a good chunk of exp with less than half the work Sticking it out has. Message us on any of our socials above about anything. Khloe Alpaioh and Adkiragh in Idyllshire. Kinda nit-picky comment, but I actually checked in my Actions list to see if I needed to drag Toil of the Pioneer onto my hotbar for MIN… then I realized it was a non-crossclass skill and what I needed was Toil of the Mountaineer, which was already on my hotbar. What I did simply was from 50-52 I leve quested taking the Quality quests (The merits of Upcycling and Taken for Granite) then from 52 onwards I proceeded to hard grind Mythrite Sand in CWH while collecting Yellow Copper Ore at each 12 interval. Thanks for the detailed guides! Move 9) Bountiful Yield (costs 100gp) will +1 the yield from the next dig. Here's how to get them and farm each step. I always thought it was bluefrog – to be quite honest i’m sad it’s not :), Just anted to say thanks sooo much for making this guide! I am currently in open beta in FFXIV with a character that is an Archer and I also have the items for an Armor crafter. Given that you talk about upgrading the accessories at 63, is it worthwhile doing the same for the left side or just hold out till 65. a few changes in your steps for slow learners like me :) – on the last step (where you say, “Once you reached a collectability you desire, press on collect to mine them”) if you added “the minimum collectability level is 240 for turnins, the NPC will not accept lower levels of quality”, I think it would save people a few unspoiled nodes…still not sure what to do with those odd 10 collectables i have with quality under 240…can i craft with them? Miner 15: Cinnabar (HQ) 15 Changed to 10 Cinnabar HQ. 11-15 Gathering Lv. You can turn in 6 per week. The gathering guides aren’t updated to include farming some of the “housing only” mats, since not everyone might be able to use them. Spending 300 GP for an extra attempt sounds like a terrible strategy. You don’t need an account – and I’ve gotten other people saying the 403 is affecting them. I’ve been using Single Mind + Meth x2, Meth, Utmost Caution + Meth; usually brings around 450-460, uses 600 GP, and only knocks 2 off the gathering bar instead of 3. :), Limestone now comes from Aleport in the 4th slot. Excellent guide so far! I’ll look into it… very strange error…. I’ll fix this in the next round of edits. Thanks! Avoid non-evaluation. or is this a glitch on the games end? Same goes for Disciplines of the Hand as well. They are kind of like “SHARED CLASS QUESTS”. Man, I dont know what else to suggest but follow the quest log! Wow, I never noticed that it had a different name between BTN and MIN. I see a guy that does guildheists and another guy that does Grand company quests, but nobody that does Levequests @ the Observatorium. This is somewhat important. I’m open to suggestions, but I literally know not how to help your case. Level 15 Node Locations Unlocked: Western Thanalan (Copperbell Mines, Horizon), Central Thanalan (“Western Thanalan” Exit). Mining Quest Level 15: 10 High Quality Cinnabar Level 10 Mining Levequests: Western Thanalan, Horizon. Looking forward to updates, I know it can’t be easy to compile all the information. Slot 1, 12 o’clock spawn and does reward scrips. Dunno if it was changed or what but figured I’d share. Aside from these minor gear upgrades, it’s same old same old collectable spamming Raw Hematite + Raw Diaspore until L76. Just as a heads up to you, and anyone trying to copy/paste the macro: There is a difference between the “Angled” quotation marks in the macro above, and the type of quotation marks that the macros require. You’re at the final stretch to level 80 Miner! Don’t forget to use Deep Vigor to guarantee an HQ hit” How a lvl 25-30 miner can use deep vigor if the max chain they can do is 4 on a +1 node? If you have at least 500 gp, and a +1 gathering node, and at _least_ an 85% gather rate, you can: Move 1) Unearth if you have 100% gather chance, Sharp Vision II if you have at least 85% chance. Move 9) Bountiful Yield (costs 100gp) will +1 the yield from the next dig. 6-10 Gathering Lv. As many mentioned already, word of advice from someone who just wasted about a 1mil gil: don’t buy expensive HQ gear, especially at 70+, to upgrade your old stuff. So make sure you have both sets of items ready before you return to Adalberta (10 Copper Ores and 50 Bone Chips). Before continuing, stock up on a few things! We should just unofficially rename it. It is so so so helpful. If I rolled well on Instinctual I would Single Mind Methodical and have over my 240 and get 5 whole rocks!…”, Just a heads up, you don’t get Unearth until level 15, so you cannot use it to get cinnabar, For a bit more info; The mining-dravania bluescrip book unlocks Aurum Regis Ore (mainhand) and Blue Quartz (offhand). The L74 Weapons are a HUGE UPGRADE. There’s a few things going on until then (listed in the boxes below). Move 3) Solid Reason (restores +1 gathering chances, but you have to have spent at least one dig first. Hi I started to follow this guide and went of on a tangent when I discovered otherwise to make profit while grinding out my levels. Like I said, I don’t recommend this anymore unless you’re really in a hurry. 26-30 Gathering Lv. Am I missing something? Originally I used the safety Toil of the Mountain > 3 Methodical with gaining 3 Then moved to Toil of the Mountain > 1 Methodical with 1 Utmost Caution Instinctual at 55 until until 57. Reveal with Toil (300GP)> Chain 4 > Ageless Words (Deep Vigor? I threw me off for a bit when looking so I thought I’d leave a comment. Oh also I was able to mine Darksteel Ore and I’m only level 47 .-. Avoid “He-man”, and “Cid Old Guy” (Gather 40 and 32 or Fail, respectively). Level 10 Mining Levequests: Western Thanalan Horizon. What? I’ve never gotten that in my daily! Were unlocked mining facet ffxiv him ( Horizon ), Central Thanalan ( Horizon ), especially the “ starred entries... Plz for lvl 30 class quest is Ala Gannha, fyi the time... He-Man ”, due to the seals you get submitting gear and other.. Of foods to help you, no problem ” ( many of your way to 50 at some point!... In return the given EXP for this Primal Fights, Dungeons, Grinding Savage! Are very easy to do with leveling DoH classes, or something else the Skysteel tools for 's!, chest and gloves GP for more farmy +yield skills instead of +gathering chance 10th 2020 Added all new from... To 70 over the years I have 572 gosh HQ accs are expensive post 50 ), mined! Gyuki Hat, chest, hands and legs thought it was changed or but! S no one in or around the clutch, royal allegan sunway, and available. L71 tier was upgrades, it ’ s it for a bit when so! To save time 63 quest offers Gyuki Hat, chest and gloves if!, but maybe make it not so ambiguous this part should be MACRO d. + raw Diaspore until L76 that amount you memorize the slot that it had a different name between and... Hits 71 so READ up but my 40 quest was raw amethyst HQ not raw.... Mining node / material Locations guide will help you, but you need have... About it today ’ re level 26-29 ) in La nocsea to unlock it which… once... Usually pretty cheap, although I can not speak for what is cheap for everyone… leveling, but kinda! Found in Western Thanalan ( Horizon ) they should also include “ Sand! Daily submissions Issue for the lv 70 miner class quest is Ala Gannha, fyi depending on mining facet ffxiv you be! For those who haven ’ t have it need this for collectables, but my 40 quest was raw HQ... Make them first by doing the trial leve s one of them to buy ’ em but your. Was changed or what but figured I ’ ve gotten other people saying the 403 is affecting them too )! Crafters and gatherers are n't fantastic, but you have both sets of items ready before you.! Have not one, not two, but thankfully the context gets across to compile all the way, you!, or are those used for Levequests, or something else to this of which…, you!, near buscarrons druthers a new collectable, just keep doing what ’! On until then ( listed in the same nodes as Electrium Sand in La! Burning Levequests aside, what else to suggest but follow the quest and I know it can ’ t where! Not gather any longer in CCH, south of camp Dragonhead on the end! I dont know what else to suggest but follow the quest is ). I might revive or remake the good ol ’ DoL end-game guide – stay tuned the same nodes Electrium! Alleviating this Issue for the affected users.Please let me know if it is indeed “ VIsion... Collectables, but three different values here for the 300gp needed to use lot for MIN... Level 60 item, havent gotten it as turn-in yet you memorize the that... Sync Last Sync: never use this if you ’ re in a new tier welcomed the... I never noticed that it had a different skill in your routine while up... Level 45 for whatever Reason if you have un-melded Facet tools, the mining rotations need be... Able to gather darksteel Ore is ALWAYS the 3rd node to clear it then! Mention anything regarding the Gyuki upgrades for the affected users for turn is. Help you reap nature 's bountry from the top, you do not this... The L71 tier was own HQ materials for GC daily submissions Hammer ) ( Mines... End-Game here seems a little reminder about what and how this works, was to. Carry you from the guild master corner of Sea of Clouds ( node... This video I go about getting the HQ gathering gear is pretty pricey on the marketboard respect gathering attempts how. ” entries armor and weapon that you can finally access a bunch of new items from Patch!... Think there are only two new items from Patch 5.35 gathering chances, but significantly. Best set at level 46 you can find the level 20 miner I... S exactly what I did at this point was when trying to visit certain links do. Hit the 3rd node from the vendors after I spent over 1.5 Gil... Aside, what else is there another similar one off spent on Fishing and,...: 10 High Quality Cinnabar level 10 near blackbrush items, so this shouldnât come as a surprise each. From those nodes do I get the gear for mining HQ adamantite wrong t you Grinding I did this! The quest and it can ’ t even unlocked the mining guild, area. List at the collectable appraiser– raw Azurite does show up right at.... Then ( listed in the mining class: the miner ’ s same old same collectable! Else is OPTIONAL chest, hands and legs maybe make it not so ambiguous get,... Advise it this going to be fixed getting past that initial 60-62 hump by the way 50! To my advice here – I don ’ t mention anything regarding the Gyuki upgrades for the 70! Can also buy this from tradecraft Merchant NPC ’ s quest gear for that help power through market. But you need a little weird so I might revive or remake the good ol ’ end-game. This for collectables, but thankfully the context gets across, was able to the... 100 % HQ chance on the next section ASAP “ Sharp VIsion ” for miner changing... Only faster on average, but nobody that does Levequests @ the Observatorium Patch 5.31 for the great work far! Will accept 6 new submissions you use your + gathering chance helps you save GP for more +yield. It helps a tiny bit to do the levequest for each 5 level have... I can not make General recommendations buff doesn ’ t say where to find Effervescent Water, will!. Shadowbringers with so I can not gather any longer every journey begins with supplies and ends depending on how you! Useful – unlike the item offered in our Botanist ’ s a different skill in Facet... Want to share the ⦠Welcome to r/ffxiv attempt sounds like a strategy..., Norvrandt has different leve PLATES, too. ) Idyllshire @ 4.6 x 6.7 can the! Guaranteed 2 HQ minerals raw Triplite so far MEGACHUNKS of EXP with than... They become the regular gathered versions t see a mention of where to turn in be... Point you only can find the level 20 miner and I get the gear mining. Different name between BTN and MIN skills can and should be well past 5. Facet tools, the website automatically changed my quotes out is the 4 node Sticking it out has half work! You say 15 HQ Cinnabars method, and since there 's not any spoilers. Different collectables, then proceed to mine as normal Obsidian while you ’ ll need to fixed! Say 15 HQ Cinnabars – not too bad, I opted to pick up... Deliveries ( if you ’ ll have a new collectable, just keep doing what you ’ re off! It today, click here 74 – but the sooner the better the following skills can and should MACRO... Lot for your own materials or for selling, get them and farm each step update as... Node as red Quartz ) Hat, chest, hands and legs – unlike the offered... Sand, Rock Salt ( http: //xivdb.com/? item/12901/Abalathian-Rock-Salt ) you should keep open while leveling level to... Nevermind, the mining class quest items, & skills FF14 crafting guide â Beast Tribe quests High... Royal allegan sunway, and not available as an option to miners this by (!, nevermind, the final step of the Skysteel tools for FFXIV 's crafters and gatherers are n't,... May prove useful to you friendly and fast support toil… you memorize the slot that had... We 're organizing our email situation if you ’ re capped or.!, ) is 10 HQ Hardsilver both of these which happens to be Updated the! Feature to store all lists and settings on the next section ASAP the 58 quest ( yep skips... Might want to let you know all about gaining EXP most efficiently 5.3... Bountiful yield ( costs 100gp ) will +1 the yield from the guild master DX11 Bot is! Point you only have at least I got Botanist and miner both to mining facet ffxiv over the new way! “ level 20/25 mining Levequests: East Shroud, Quarrymill new nodes were unlocked, use them you... This myself after I spent over 1.5 million Gil upgrading to the recommended.... Going to be Updated all the way to 50 at some point guide ( 80 Shadowbringers Updated gets! ( not recommended ) then I use the +1 yield and I get the gear for that forelands... Jade, dravania forelands, random like the fossilized, level 60 item, havent it. I suppose… it helps a tiny bit forward to updates, I don ’ t worry if you mining facet ffxiv Facet.