JOL>Collaboration>Dave's Blogroll


Mavens are people who are information specialists. They know more than most people. Connectors and people who a people specialists-they simple know many different types of people. What if we could take advantage of these types of individuals by accessing their thoughts? Well, we can. Here is my list of connectors and mavens, and some are both, whose ideas bear contemplation.



The Strength of Weak Ties | David Jakes

techLearning | Everybody

The Blue Skunk Blog | Doug Johnson

Bud The Teacher | Bud Hunt

Weblogg-ed | Will Richardson

Creating Passionate Users | Kathy Sierra

Teaching Hacks | Quentin D'Souza

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Wes Fryer

Petersondesigns | John Peterson

2 Cents Worth | David Warlick

The Thinking Stick | Jeff Utecht

Bud The Teacher | Bud Hunt

Remote Access | Clarence Johnson

The Savvy Technologist | Tim Wilson

Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech | Dean Shareski

Solution Watch





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