Tobacco products sold in Ontario are also subject to federal excise duty and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). Visit Ontario Together Report price gouging If you’re aware of anyone charging higher-than-usual prices for in-demand products, report it online or call Consumer Protection Ontario at 1-800-889-9768 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) allows the provincial government of Ontario to nominate potential immigrants that can help in the economic development of the province. Le budget de 2017-2018 de l'Ontario est de 141,2 milliards de dollars. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) (2003 –) a provincial organization funded by the provincial government and the oil and gas industry. Ces implantations françaises en Ontario sont devenues, sous le régime anglais et donc au Canada, des villes telles Windsor, Sault-Sainte-Marie, Niagara Falls et plusieurs autres[7],[6]. The Ontario Provincial Trapshooting Association is the governing body for … Beginning April 1, 2020, penalties and interest will not apply to Ontario businesses that miss any filing or remittance deadline under select provincial taxes. The Ontario Provincial Confederation of Regions Party is a minor political party in Ontario, Canada, the provincial branch of the now-defunct Confederation of Regions Party of Canada. Dans un seul comté de l'Ontario, celui de Prescott-Russell (jouxtant le Québec), les francophones sont numériquement majoritaires (à environ 66 %[32]), ce qui constitue un cas unique pour toutes les provinces du Canada se trouvant à l'ouest de la rivière des Outaouais. Les droitistes progressistes-conservateurs de Mike Harris détrônèrent les gauchistes néo-démocrates en 1995 ; le gouvernement Harris mit en œuvre un programme libéral de coupures dans les dépenses sociales et d'abaissement des taxes (la « Révolution du bon sens »). L'Ontario est représentée au Parlement du Canada par 120 députés[12] et par 21 Sénateurs[13]. Les partis politiques provinciaux principaux sont les progressistes-conservateurs, les libéraux, et les néo-démocrates. The party was founded in 1989, around the time the federal CoR was dissolved, and remains the last Confederation of Regions Party in Canada. Ontario’s minister of tourism says the provincial government is creating a tax credit to help reinvigorate the travel industry in the wake of COVID-19. L'exploitation minière commença au début du XXe siècle. Subscribe to updates to this dataset using RSS. OTA LTAD YdQkQeHFs_o. To sell tobacco products to a consumer you need to hold a tobacco retail dealer's permit issued under the Act. YouTube. Milos Raonic talks about the OTA competitive … Ceci afin de ne plus exclure des statistiques les immigrants haïtiens, congolais, algériens... qui s'installaient en Ontario. They are MPPs, Members of Provincial Parliament. On retrouve plusieurs types d'implantation en Ontario : des religieuses, des militaires et des civiles. COVID-19: Get the latest updates, take a self-assessment or learn about the COVID Alert exposure-notification app. It's easy and secure. TORONTO — Ontario has introduced steep fines for price gouging and reduced the maximum size of gatherings as it works to curb the economic impact of COVID-19 while stemming its spread. Tt is currently the only political group in Canada which is engaged in pro-abortion activism on a national level. You can also be sent to jail, have your tobacco products seized, your vehicle impounded and, if you are a retail dealer, prohibited from selling tobacco products for up to 180 days. Government Organization. Pour le côté ontarien, on verra en 1748 la rive canadienne étendre ainsi cette implantation française. La politique de l'Ontario est gouvernée par une législature monocamérale, l'Assemblée législative de l'Ontario, qui opère dans un style de gouvernement de type Westminster. Los candidatos interesados deben seguir un proceso de dos etapas: solicitar la nominación al gobierno provincial y luego, si están nominados, solicitar la residencia permanente al gobierno federal. certain members of the Diplomatic Corps who buy tobacco products for their own personal and exclusive use. Three people were taken to the hospital, and Ontario Provincial Police told CTV News Barrie that Highway 400 would be closed most of the day as a … You must complete this return, even if you did not have any activity during the reporting period. Skip to content Guides to completing your tobacco tax return. ^js . Ontario Provincial Trapshooting Association, tiene 1.017 miembros. 16 were here. L'onglet Discussion Projet:Ontario permet aux contributeurs de discuter du portail, du projet, des articles ontariens, mais aussi pour se détendre et encourager les contributions au projet. START YOUR SEARCH HERE: To check the competition status or view a specific job advertisement (if available), enter the numeric job ID into the Job ID field (e.g. More than $15 billion is being projected as Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Les deux colonies furent alors fusionnées, par l'acte d'Union, dans la province du Canada en 1840, avec l'Ontario sous le nom de Canada-Ouest (la région du Haut-Canada par sa vrai appellation). La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 12 novembre 2020 à 18:28. L'oiseau provincial est le plongeon huard (Gavia immer), comme le Canada ; l'arbre provincial est le pin blanc (Pinus strobus), et le minéral provincial est l'améthyste. En vertu de cette nouvelle définition, l'Ontario compte 580 000 francophones, ce qui correspond à 4,8 % de la population de la province[34]. To purchase, possess, store, or sell unmarked cigarettes or unmarked fine cut tobacco you must hold a Permit to Purchase and Sell Unmarked Cigarettes and/or a Permit to Purchase and Sell Unmarked Fine Cut Tobacco. Ontario, second largest province of Canada in area, after Quebec. Taxes Beaches-East York.png 2,000 × 2,388; 348 KB. you will be transferred to a representative who can explain the registration process and requirements. De nombreux étudiants anglophones qui habitent dans la province ont une connaissance scolaire du français (voire des connaissances approfondies), et la langue est apprise comme langue seconde (après leur langue maternelle, qui est l'anglais) par plusieurs milliers d'Ontariens anglophones, surtout à l'est de la province (proche du Québec). L'emblème de l'Ontario est la fleur provinciale : le trille blanc, Trillium grandiflorum. Failure to do so may result in penalties or fines. Budget L'Ontario (/ ɔ̃. Gabriela Dabrowski ('15 Pan Am Games medalist) at Aurora Hillary House p2h_O2kYY70. The information must include: The ministry has approved the following as another reasonable means: Retail dealers who want to use another reasonable means not listed above may provide their request in writing to the ministry detailing another reasonable means by which they propose to specify the tax payable and give the consumer that information. November 14-15, QC – U11, Cadets, Open; … Bring on the Cyclocross! Download: Application for Tobacco Retail Dealer's Permit, Learn more about basic rules for tobacco retail dealers, Learn more about how the Smoke‑Free Ontario Act affects retail dealers, See if a supplier is a registered wholesaler. The Act includes prescribed circumstances that exempt certain persons from the requirement to be deemed a manufacturer under the Act. Effective January 1, 2018, there are restrictions on the import, possession, sale and delivery of cigarette filter components to tobacco manufacturers registered under the Act, except for any exemptions prescribed under the regulation. A First Day Hike is a fun and healthy way to kick off the New Year. On retrouve aussi de la viande, du poisson, du fromage et des produits laitiers. La région aujourd'hui appelée Ontario fut annexée à la Province de Québec en 1774. OTA Kids' Tennis in Schools CN40lrMCVQ8. In the heart of Muskoka, riders tested themselves against the clock in a bid to win a coveted Trillium Jersey as provincial champion. Unless otherwise permitted in the limited exceptions under the Act, it is illegal for anyone to purchase, possess or sell any quantity of cigarettes or package of fine cut tobacco not marked with the Ontario‑adapted federal stamp. Premier Doug Ford announced Monday that all of Ontario will move into a lockdown on Boxing Day in a bid to curb climbing COVID-19 case numbers … Normalement, le parti politique qui gagne le plus grand nombre de sièges dans la législature forme le gouvernement, et le chef de ce parti devient le Premier ministre de la province (c'est-à-dire le chef du gouvernement). to hold a valid Tobacco Retail Dealer’s Permit, to comply with the conditions and/or restrictions on their permit, to notify the ministry in writing if their business name changes, the nature of their business changes or if their business closes, and. PROVINCIAL and territorial tt ASSOCIATIONS : OUR PARTNERS : COVID-19 updates. RECOGNITION “Table Tennis Canada is thankful to the Government of Canada for the financial support it provides to TTCAN’s programs” Facebook. If you are an authorized reserve retailer under Ontario's First Nations Cigarette Allocation System you are deemed to hold a tobacco retail dealer's permit. Le formulaire ON428, Impôt de l'Ontario, est utilisé pour calculer votre impôt provincial.. Click here to see the latest announcements. On‑reserve tobacco retailers who hold an authorization letter from the Ministry of Finance are not required to apply for the tobacco retail dealer's permit. Stamp denominations are available in the following units: Read more about CRA's Tobacco Stamping Regime. Algonquin Provincial Park . Les fonctions de la reine, la Reine Élisabeth II, sont exercées par le lieutenant-gouverneur de l'Ontario. Cependant, une nouvelle définition de la francophonie ontarienne, entrée depuis peu en vigueur, augmente le nombre de francophones de 52 000 : cela tient à l'élargissement de la définition provinciale de ce qu'est un francophone. Le Parlement ontarien compte 107 sièges et les élections y sont tenues à date fixe. Alors, la rébellion en faveur du gouvernement responsable se leva aux deux régions, sous Louis-Joseph Papineau par les Patriotes canadiens-français au Bas-Canada, et sous William Lyon Mackenzie au Haut-Canada par les « Patriots » écossais. Download: application for refund due to bad debt, Download: application for refund due to loss of product. Les médias de l’Ontario se répartissent entre presse, télévison et radio[35],[36],[37] : Parmi ses chaînes de télévision, l'Ontario compte : Parmi les chaînes ontariennes de radio on trouve notamment CHIN radio (en), un radiodiffuseur plurilingue. Established in 1908, solely responsible for policing functions for all law enforcement in the province outside areas covered by municipal police services. Most popular datasets. De plus, l'université de Hearst, affiliée à l'université Laurentienne, offre des cours en français dans une variété de programmes à ses campus de Hearst, Kapuskasing et Timmins. La loi constitutionnelle de 1791 remit sur la carte le « Canada » et scinda la Province en deux parties, les haut et bas Canadas : Dès l'époque de la Nouvelle-France, le territoire actuel de l'Ontario est parsemé d'implantations françaises qui sont à l'origine de nombreuses agglomérations ontariennes aujourd'hui. Le pouvoir judiciaire en Ontario s'oriente autour de trois tribunaux officiels[10] : L'Ontario fait partie de l'Assemblée parlementaire de la francophonie. Alberta Wilderness Association Environment Ci A … To obtain the most current version of this document, visit and enter 57 in the find page field at the bottom of the webpage or contact the ministry at 1 866 668-8297 (1 800 263-7776 for teletypewriter). uh this is a very solemn day the escort of uh constable mark is … Basic income tax; Corporate minimum tax; Special additional tax re life insurance; You can use Schedule 500, Ontario Corporation Tax Calculation, to calculate your Ontario basic income tax. Vers le sud et le sud-ouest, le territoire de la province partage une longue frontière avec les États-Unis (États du Minnesota, du Michigan, de l'Ohio, de la Pennsylvanie et de New York), dont une grande partie est constituée par les lacs Supérieur, Huron, Érié et Ontario. Nouveau pour l'Ontario pour 2019. El Parque provincial Algonquin está situado entre la bahía Georgian y el río Ottawa en Ontario Central, Canadá.En su mayoría dentro del la zona de Parques del sur no organizados de Ontario. Le formulaire ON479, Crédits de l'Ontario, est utilisé pour calculer vos crédits remboursables.. Add Episode. other tobacco products (e.g., pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco). Funding for some communications, such as internet, to help workers contact their families, is also being provided. Le point culminant de la province est la crête Ishpatina (693 m) dans le district de Sudbury[8]. Ancaster Fairgrounds. 18.475¢ per gram or part gram of tobacco product other than cigarettes and cigars. Download: application for refund due to tax exempt sale. The Act provides for numerous fines and penalties for persons who are involved in tobacco activities without authorization. Economy Du point de vue religieux, le meilleur exemple d'implantation est la mission jésuite française de Sainte-Marie-du-Sault qui s'établit en 1668[6]. Search breaking news photo and video resources from The … The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 is an important part of More Homes, More choice: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan.It is in effect on May 1, 2020. Harris quitta son poste en 2002 et fut remplacé par Ernie Eves. Generally, Ontario imposes a direct tax on tobacco products which is payable by consumers. News and Activities. Environment, Conservation and Parks Leading to healthier communities and economic prosperity through protecting Ontario’s air, land and water. A Member of Provincial Parliament is elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario for each electoral district. Once you register with the Ministry of Finance the ministry will mail to you each month a personalized return. Records must be maintained to account for the stamps. Le lieutenant-gouverneur est nommé par le gouverneur général du Canada sous la recommandation du Premier ministre du Canada. Bianca Andreescu's early days with the Ontario Tennis Association a1_zTxnWH1M. Read more about Prohibition and Administrative Hearings under the Act. Find out which series topped our list. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) distributes Ontario‑adapted stamps and peach‑coloured stamps to registered manufacturers and registered importers through a secure process. The Ontario Ministry of Finance is responsible for administering the Tobacco Tax Act (the Act). Le tartan officiel (en) de la province, qui est un tissu de laine à carreau typique des peuples celtes et symbole au Canada, du Régime anglais, a été dessiné en 1965 par Rotex Ltd et adopté officiellement en l'an 2000. View the registrant list. Cette Province de Québec a été créée par le souverain britannique George III, à la suite de sa Proclamation royale du 7 octobre 1763, à peine huit mois après le Traité de Paris; un des buts était de faire disparaître le nom « Canada », alors complètement associé à l'histoire de la France. Le premier Premier ministre de l'Ontario a été le libéral Georges William Ross (libéral) de 1899 jusqu'en 1905[9]. Almost 100 vehicles were involved in a snow squall-related pileup Thursday morning near Barrie, Ontario. Elle se trouve dans le centre-est du pays. Read more about Ontario's First Nations Cigarette Allocation System. Surety Bond (Surety Association of Canada approved). Consumers pay tobacco tax when they purchase tobacco products. Parmi les plats les plus représentatifs de l'Ontario on peut noter le rosbif et les tartes au beurre[27],[28],[29]. À la fin du XIXe siècle, la partie du Nord-Ouest fut attribuée à l'Ontario, mais il y reste un fort courant séparatiste qui voudrait qu'elle soit rattachée au Manitoba. Par contre il faut diviser environ en deux le nombre de chrétiens si on veut les répartir selon le mode catholique (3 911 760) ou protestant (3 935 745). Saturday May 4th – Outdoor. Credits, Benefits This means working closely on common goals: protecting youth, promoting community safety, and creating opportunities for economic development and diversification. Ontario Provincial Time Trial Championships Decided in Beautiful Muskoka. Get your Ministry of Finance refund or rebate faster with direct deposit! Then, the taxable price of the cigar is the price for which the cigar was purchased by the consumer, inclusive of all consideration given by the consumer for the cigar as well as federal excise duty and all costs and charges relating to mailing, delivery and transportation. Sa capitale est Toronto, qui est également la plus grande ville du Canada. Information about trip planning, fees, equipment rentals, cabin rentals. The Ontario‑adapted federal stamp indicates that the tobacco products have been purchased in the province through the legitimate wholesale‑retail‑consumer chain. Bien que les deux rébellions fussent écrasées, le gouvernement britannique envoya John George Lambton pour enquêter sur les causes des émeutes. About the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020. Let's all get involved and create a safe community. CURRENT AND LATEST EVENTS. Cigar wholesalers and manufacturers with direct sales to consumers must be designated as cigar tax collectors. We’re seeking donations for our Turtle Protection Project. Your driver's license, health card, outdoors card, OSAP, and more Visit Ontario’s website to learn more about how the province continues to protect the people of Ontario from COVID-19. It is not necessary to attach the required documentation; however, it must be retained for subsequent verification by the minister. contact the Canada Revenue Agency about the HST. L'industrie et l'agriculture se concentrent dans cette région, avec son accès à l'océan Atlantique assuré par la voie maritime du Saint-Laurent. #SuperiorEastOPP has responded to several calls related to high winds today. The Government of Ontario (French: Gouvernement de l'Ontario), formally Her Majesty's Government of Ontario (French: Gouvernement de l’Ontario de Sa Majesté), is the provincial government of the province of Ontario, Canada.Its powers and structure are set out in the British North America Act, 1867.. August 31, 2020 Provincial 630 Trinity Rd S, Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0. For the third day in a row, Ontario has logged more than 2,000 new COVID-19 cases in a 24-hour period. Metrolinx, une agence du gouvernement est créée en 2006 afin d’améliorer la coordination du transport … You need to register with the ministry if you engage in any of these tobacco activities: Any person who possesses or imports into Ontario, equipment for manufacturing cigarettes in Ontario must obtain a manufacturer's registration certificate. The 2019 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review announced that the Ministry of Finance will consult with public health stakeholders, industry and retail associations, as well as First Nations partners, on unregulated tobacco. La province fut nommée d'après le lac Ontario, un terme dérivant de Ontarí:io, mot venant de la langue huronne et signifiant « grand lac » ou bien « belle eau scintillante ». The Government of Ontario is taking steps towards open source software development, and sharing our catalogue work on GitHub is just one of these steps. Packages of cigarettes and packages of fine cut tobacco for sale to First Nations under Ontario's First Nation Cigarette Allocation System and diplomats must have the peach‑coloured federal stamp. COVID-19: provincewide shutdown If you have questions about what will be open or impacts to your business or employment, call the Stop the Spread Business Information Line at … Media in category "Maps of Ontario provincial electoral districts" The following 149 files are in this category, out of 149 total. To maintain tobacco tax accountability, the ministry requires registrants to file monthly tobacco tax returns. Under the Act, marked tobacco product means packages of cigarettes and packages of fine cut tobacco marked with the Ontario‑adapted federal stamp. La province de l'Ontario a une forte prédominance anglaise, selon les études de Statistique Canada effectuées sur la période 1971-2006, 69,1 % des Ontariens déclarent avoir pour langue maternelle l'anglais, 4,2 % le français et 26,6 % des tierces langues (italien, allemand, russe, arabe, pendjabi). L'Ontario L'Ontario est la plus peuplée des provinces du Canada. Des produits d'importance particulière incluent les automobiles, le fer, l'acier, la nourriture, les appareils électriques, la machinerie, les produits chimiques et le papier. Non-emergency: 1-888-310-1122. Subscribe Organization. The provincial death toll related to the disease also surpassed 4,000 this week. L'explorateur français Étienne Brûlé explora une partie de la région de la baie Georgienne de 1610 à 1612. Ce budget prévoit entre autres une augmentation de 145,0 millions de dollars accordés dans le cadre de l’accord bilatéral sur l’apprentissage et la garde des jeunes enfants[14],[15]. There is a four year limitation for refund applications. The Turtle Protection Project. This overview provides general information on Ontario's tobacco tax rules; it should not be considered as a substitute for the Tobacco Tax Act and Regulations. Open Government Licence – Ontario. Seulement 62 % (recensement 2001) des Franco-Ontariens utilisent encore le français comme langue d'usage, soit environ 340 000 personnes « effectivement » francophones (les autres, soit 38 %, ont adopté l'anglais comme langue d'usage[31]). Inter-Provincial Travel •Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others. Ainsi les catholiques sont représentés par l'Assemblée des évêques catholiques de l’Ontario et les anglicans par le Diocèse anglican de l'Ontario[24],[25],[26]. Upon request by a consumer, the retail dealer may, by referring to the supplier invoice for the cigars, specify to the consumer the cigar tax payable. Registered exporters may apply for a refund of Ontario tobacco tax paid on cigars and other tobacco products exported from Ontario. Ontario’s minister of tourism says the provincial government is creating a tax credit to help reinvigorate the travel industry in the wake of COVID-19. As a wholesaler, before you sell or deliver tobacco products to a retailer, you must confirm that the retailer holds a retail dealer's permit under the Act, or is an authorized reserve retailer under Ontario's First Nations Cigarette Allocation System. Before the minister issues you a permit, registration certificate or a designation, you may need to provide security through a surety bond or letter of credit. All consumers of tobacco products in Ontario must pay the tax, except: Under Ontario's First Nations Cigarette Allocation System, certain wholesalers may be authorized by the ministry to sell limited quantities of unmarked cigarettes and fine cut tobacco to authorized reserve retailers, for sale to First Nations. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Video Transcript. Canada's leading picture and digital service provider has a brand new home and e-commerce marketplace. As of 12:01 a.m., March 29, 2018, the current tax rates are: Tobacco tax on a pack of 20 cigarettes equals $3.70, on a pack of 25 cigarettes equals $4.62 and on a carton of 200 cigarettes equals $36.95. persons that are only transporting or delivering the cigarette filter components if that person holds the appropriate documentation demonstrating the person purchasing the components is registered under the Act or is a person that meets an exemption under the Act. Surety Bonds issued by financial institutions registered with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario to deal in surety. contact your municipality about any bylaws about the sale of tobacco, contact your local health unit about requirements under the, cigar tax = taxable price of cigar X 56.6%, the price of purchase by the retail dealer of each cigar, the prescribed percentage (currently 22%), and, the purchase price of each cigar on which tax was calculated, the amount of tax charged for each cigar, and. Saturday November 2nd – Indoor The concept is simple: on January 1, visit a provincial park near you for a hike! read more. sold, and all or part of the sale price has not been paid and has become an uncollectible debt (referred to as a bad debt), or. Le ministère des Affaires francophones s'assure de son côté de l'accessibilité des ressources gouvernementales en français sur le territoire ontarien dans le respect du patrimoine linguistique et culturel des francophones de l’Ontario[11]. To facilitate the collection of tax, wholesalers and retail dealers pay an amount equal to the tax when they purchase tobacco products from their suppliers. Retail dealers are not required to file returns. are available for download free of charge from the MTO Technical Publications website. Commençant avec la construction du chemin de fer transcontinental à travers les Grandes Plaines jusqu'à la Colombie-Britannique, l'industrie ontarienne connut un grand essor. Click here to see the current and latest events. The retail dealer may provide or post an information sheet specifying the amount of cigar tax payable by product type. If you collect tobacco tax or you purchase tobacco products for resale, you may be eligible to apply for a refund of tax paid on tobacco products that have been: In the case of a refund claim resulting from bad debt, the applicant and debtor must be dealing at arm's length in the meaning of section 251 of the Income Tax Act (Canada) at the time of the sale of the tobacco to which the debt related. Ontario Provincial Police - North East Region. Algoma-manitoulinlocation.PNG 895 × 797; 30 KB. Tour de Waterloo June 22, 2014 Team NovoFit-Compass360Racing gets 3rd at the Tour de Waterloo in the 133k event this year. Travel out of province should be limited to only essential purposes 24 •Individuals and families who arrive or return to Ontario during the Provincewide Shutdown period should self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival Les conservateurs furent défaits l'année suivante par le Parti libéral aux élections de 2003 avec comme Premier ministre actuel Dalton McGuinty. The Minister of Finance (minister) may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions on those permits or registrations and may amend or remove conditions or restrictions at any time. Fines and penalties may apply if returns and payments are not received by the due date, are incomplete or tax is not remitted in full. West Parry Sound OPP utilizing social media to help solve crime. Temporary Prohibition of Selling, Offering for Sale and Storing Tobacco Product This bulletin provides information about a program to temporarily prohibit the selling, offering for sale and storing of tobacco product at a retail location where a retail dealer has repeatedly contravened the Tobacco Tax Act and/or the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. En la actualidad, Ontario tiene 129.234 casos confirmados de coronavirus en total, de los que 19.832 se consideran activos. Download: Direct Deposit Request / Direct Deposit Authorization. Law Enforcement Agency. Su establecimiento se debe a recomendaciones realizadas por John Lambton , primer conde de Durham en el "Informe sobre los intereses británicos en Norteamérica" producido luego de las Rebeliones de 1837 . ONTENNIS video launch YZuT_C3Vk7Q. The suppliers remit the tobacco tax to the ministry every month. The taxable price of a cigar is the price for which the cigar was purchased by the retail dealer, inclusive of all consideration given by the retail dealer of the cigar as well as federal excise duty and all costs and charges relating to mailing, delivery and transportation, plus a prescribed percentage of 22% of the sum of these amounts. Top 10 TV Shows of the subway system by Wednesday, August 12, 2020, the Ontario! Vers l'Ontario 12 novembre 2020 à 18:28 particulièrement au Golden Horseshoe, le gouvernement de l'Ontario et catholique Ontario! En 1748 la rive canadienne étendre ainsi cette implantation française who buy tobacco products from ministry‑authorized! 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