L'Église catholique n'a pas «changé» les commandements. The Catholic Church is not just another denomination. Permettez-moi de le souligner. Robert Schneider noted that Catholics and Protestants number the commandments differently. Protestant vs Catholic Version of the Ten Commandments My Bible Study at Falmouth Hospital always inspires me to learn more about my Catholic Faith. Monotheism means belief in the existence of only one god, and both of the quoted statements are reflective of the true situation of the ancient Jews: monolatry, which is the belief in the existence of multiple gods but only worship one of them. The problem with creating a second “commandment” where there actually is not one really comes to the fore at the bottom of the list. Of course, when Catholics post the Ten Commandments in their home or church, they don’t typically write all of that out. Thank you for the info. The Catholic Ten Commandments are a summary of “the conditions of a life freed from the slavery of sin” (Catechism, 2057).They must be understood in relation to the “law of love”: Love of God and love of neighbor summarize all of Catholic morality. Voici Exode 20: 2-17, de la traduction Douay-Reims-Challoner, pendant de nombreuses années la traduction catholique standard: 3 Tu n'auras pas d'étranges dieux devant moi. Thus, a shortened and concise version has been created to make posting, reading, and memorization easier. Yet, do Protestants ever complain about Martin Luther changing the Ten Commandments? Ten Commandments Jewish Roman Catholic Protestant. 2. N ° 9 - Tu ne convoiteras pas la maison de ton prochain. 38 C'est le premier et le plus grand commandement. While the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism is a general term that refers to Christianity that is not subject to papal authority. 1. Les numérotations ne font tout simplement pas partie des textes originaux. Some … Catholic vs. Protestant Bible 6th Grade Religion Mr. Fernandez - Our Lady of … "You're idolators! Ou une église qui a longtemps commandé de ne pas manger de viande certains jours? The Philippines won the Guiness record for having the largest Ten Commandments tablet. The Catechism 2066 reads: “The division and numbering of the Commandments have varied in the course of history. N ° 1 Tu n'auras pas d'autres dieux devant moi. You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain, You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:2–3; Deuteronomy 5:6–7). The debate continues of the Catholic Ten Commandments vs. the Protestant Ten Commandments. Et, si nous passons par des nombres stricts dans le monde entier, puisque les catholiques représentent plus de la moitié de tous les chrétiens de la planète (et si vous ajoutez les chrétiens orthodoxes, qui utilisent la même numérotation, beaucoup plus de la moitié), strictement sur une base démocratique , nous avons les chiffres et les protestants non. Notez que les catholiques fusionnent les versets 1 et 2 dans le commandement 1 tandis que d'autres ne le font pas. Protestants generally separate the two and make them their first and second commandments. Ten Commandments in Catholic theology. Ceux qui lancent des diatribes anti-catholiques doivent examiner leur propre conscience à la lumière de ce commandement, M. Green. My economics teacher at my Catholic High School has in his room on display the protestant version of the Ten Commandments. Catholic Evangelization. Latin Catholics and Protestants simply list them differently. Je donnerai non 1 suivi du numéro 2, alors vous pouvez voir pourquoi ils l'ont changé. 39 Et le second est comme ça: 'Aime ton prochain comme toi-même.' The Ten Commandments – Exodus 20. The first commandment combines injunctions against false worship and the worship of false gods. Ce sont les protestants, pas les catholiques, qui ont changé la numérotation standard. The Rev. Whenever someone tries to have the Ten Commandments posted by the government on public property, it is almost inevitable that this Protestant version is chosen over Catholic and Jewish versions. And what about the other 603 commandments? You worship statues! Mais en vain ils m'adorent, enseignant pour les doctrines les commandements des hommes. 9 et 10 ne convoitent pas la femme de votre voisin ou les choses ne font que réaffirmer ce qu'il mentionne dans OT. The Protestant versions of the commandments retain the prohibition against graven images, but it seems to be ignored since statues, and other images have proliferated in their churches as well. Core Beliefs Catholic Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ through the Old & New Testament via Rome , the Vatican and follow the Catechism Heaven, Hell & Purgatory Confess sins to God through priests Holy Trinity Ten Commandments Protestant Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ through the Old & New Testament. Catholic is an adjective derived from the Greek adjective καθολικός, meaning \"general; universal\" (cf. It is not necessarily wrong for the Catholic Church to combine the first and second commandments and split the tenth commandment into two commandments. The first thing which to notice is that after the first commandment, numbering starts to change. "Bon professeur", a-t-il demandé, "que dois-je faire pour hériter de la vie éternelle? 2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. Chart: Comparing the Ten Commandments Protestants, Jews, and Catholics number the commandments in slightly different ways. Les catholiques n'ont "rien changé" non plus. This article was put together to make sincere, honest, truth seeking people aware. I have been reading a lot of these comparasin websites lately. 10 Commandments: Catholics vs. Protestants Christians of the Reformation seem to argue and accuse the Catholic Church of changing the Ten Commandments of God by merging the commandments of "not having no other gods" and "not making graven images" into one to hide the Catholic practice of making images of God, Mary, Saints and Angels in their religious use such as … . deka , ten, and logos , a word), the Ten Words of Sayings, the latter name generally applied by the Greek Fathers. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain . Actually, it simply comes down to how they are grouped together. 1. It isn’t even clear in these verses which commandment is which. N'utilisant pas le nom de Dieu en vain, honorant le jour du Seigneur, dimanche, le jour où notre Seigneur est ressuscité était dimanche, une fois par semaine honorant cela similaire au sabbat mais dimanche parce que Jésus est Seigneur et nous sommes chrétiens célébrant le jour de Notre Seigneur comme cela a été fait depuis jours apostoliques. N ° 2 Tu ne te feras aucune image taillée, ni aucune ressemblance avec quelque chose qui est dans le ciel au-dessus, ou qui est dans la terre en dessous, ou qui est dans l'eau sous la terre: Tu ne te prosterneras pas ni les servir:…. Very little. [, 40 Toute la loi et les prophètes dépendent de ces deux commandements. Some scholars believe, however, that this formulation could date back to an earlier version than the one in Exodus. Even Catholic Bibles have the same commandments as protestant Bibles, but you have omitted the Second Commandment ("You shall not make for yourself an idol", NRSVCE) and divided the Tenth Commandment ("You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor") into two. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Let's think about this. 5 Tu ne te prosterneras pas devant eux, et tu ne les serviras pas, car moi, le Seigneur ton Dieu, je suis un Dieu jaloux, visitant l'iniquité des pères sur les enfants à la troisième et quatrième génération de ceux qui me haïssent; 6 Et faisant miséricorde à des milliers de ceux qui m'aiment et gardent mes commandements. I am the LORD ... 10. There are three different numerations of the 10 commandments, The Jewish, The Catholic and The protestant. By using Learn Religions, you accept our. The Ten Commandments are a series of religious and moral imperatives that are recognized as a moral foundation in several of the Abrahamic religions, including Catholicism. La réponse est non. Thou shall worship the sacred cookie bread at the altar. Austin Cline, a former regional director for the Council for Secular Humanism, writes and lectures extensively about atheism and agnosticism. Called also simply THE COMMANDMENTS, COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, or THE DECALOGUE (Gr. Thou shalt have no strange gods before Me. Even Catholic Bibles have the same commandments as protestant Bibles, but you have omitted the Second Commandment ("You shall not … For example, in the Catholic listing the imperative against adultery is the sixth commandment; for Jews and most Protestants it is the seventh. Ils sont seulement divisés et numérotés différemment. The last five commandments are with regard to relationship with other people (on the second tablet). King James Version. Just the first 10 in the protestant version? Il y a le 8ème ou le 9ème commandement: "Tu ne porteras pas de faux témoignage." 8 Souviens-toi que tu sanctifies le jour du sabbat. The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, are rightly revered and practiced by those of Judeo-Christian heritage. Les luthériens utilisent la même numérotation. He is not Catholic, should I say something, if so, how? 10 Mais le septième jour est le sabbat de l'Éternel, ton Dieu: tu n'y feras aucun travail, toi, ni ton fils, ni ta fille, ton serviteur, ni ta servante, ni ton bétail, ni ton étranger qui est à l'intérieur tes portes: 11 Car en six jours le Seigneur a fait le ciel et la terre, la mer et tout ce qui s'y trouve, et il s'est reposé le septième jour. In the Butler Catechism, verses eight through ten are simply left out. The Catholic ten commandments also separates “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife” (the ninth) from "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s “possessions” (the tenth). You shall not have other gods besides me. This is a list of how the denominations think. When students were expected to read the Bible in public schools, for example, they were forced to read the King James translation favored by Protestants; the Catholic Douay translation was forbidden. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. In the Protestant religion, “Thou shalt not have any gods before me” and “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image” are two separate ones (the first and second). The Protestant scholar Klaus Bockmuehl believes that the Church replaced the Commandments with lists of virtues and vices, such as the seven deadly sins, from 400–1200. 5 Tu ne les adoreras pas, et tu ne les serviras pas: je suis le Seigneur, ton Dieu, puissant, jaloux, visitant l'iniquité des pères sur les enfants, à la troisième et quatrième génération de ceux qui me haïssent: 6 Et faisant miséricorde à des milliers de personnes à ceux qui m'aiment et gardent mes commandements. Very little. John Martignoni is a nationally-known Catholic apologist and Bible scholar. It shouldn't be ignored that the Ten Commandments were originally part of a Jewish document and they too have their own way of structuring it. 16 Tu ne porteras pas de faux témoignage contre ton prochain. Ils ont été pleinement réalisés et compris grâce à Jésus-Christ qui n'a pas aboli la loi mais l'a accomplie. People may not have a right not to be offended, but they do have the right not to have someone else's religious rules dictated to them by civil authorities, and they have a right to ensure that their government does not take sides on theological issues. To keep it at 10 Commandments, Protestants then group coveting your … So in the end, there is no way to "choose" what the "real" Ten Commandments are supposed to be. People will naturally be offended if someone else's version of the Ten Commandments is displayed in public buildings — and a government doing that cannot be regarded as anything but an infringement of religious liberties. King James Version. Why Protestants use a set of Ten Commandments different from the Catholic one. (Apocalypse 1:10), Marc 10:17 Alors que Jésus commençait son chemin, un homme courut vers lui et tomba à genoux devant lui. «Personne n'est bon, sauf Dieu seul. Tags: idolatry, Protestantism, Roman Catholic Church, Ten Commandments. Les dix commandements sont les mêmes pour les catholiques ou les protestants. 2. Catholic vs. Protestant Bible Slides 1. 4 Tu ne te feras aucune image taillée, ni aucune ressemblance avec une chose qui est au ciel au-dessus, ou qui est sur la terre en dessous, ou qui est dans l'eau sous la terre. Dwight Longenecker Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! [, Toute la loi et les prophètes dépendent de ces deux commandements. Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Instead, people chose the Protestant listing. Therefore, there is universal application of the requirements of these commandments, regardless of religious affiliation. … Rendant la parole de Dieu sans effet à travers votre tradition, que vous avez livrée: et vous faites beaucoup de choses semblables. The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, are rightly revered and practiced by those of Judeo-Christian heritage. It is incredible that such … A Traditional Catechetical Formula. 9 Tu travailleras six jours, et tu feras toutes tes oeuvres. Nous sommes également profondément conscients et suivons consciencieusement les paroles de Jésus telles qu’elles. L'Église catholique n'a pas changé les commandements. Diffen.com. But Catholics maintain that the Decalogue can be honored by all peoples and citizens of a country because it is natural law and not just revealed law. Second Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images, History of American Religion:1600 to 2017, First Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Have Any Gods Before Me, Fifth Commandment: Honor Thy Father and Mother. 1. Diffen LLC, n.d. Another important difference, not visible in the above-abbreviated listings, is in the commandment regarding the Sabbath: in the Exodus version, people are told to keep the Sabbath holy because God worked for six days and rested on the seventh; but in the Deuteronomy version used by Catholics, the Sabbath is commanded because "you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm." Different Versions (Judaism, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant). Apologetics. Répondit Jésus. They are referred to as the Ten Words of God in Exodus 34:28 and Deuteronomy 4:13. He doesn’t say anything against Church teaching, but it was brought to my concern. The common Protestant listing of the Ten Commandments combines coveting your neighbor’s wife, the Catholic ninth commandment, with coveting your neighbor’s property, the Catholic tenth commandment. La Bible expose de faux prophètes et de faux enseignants. What happened to the 2nd Commandment in the Catholic 10 Commandments? Les comptes dans Exode et Deutéronome diffèrent les uns des autres, et il est raisonnable que quelqu'un qui a choisi de les numéroter puisse le faire avec les numérotations dans les deux versions qui ne correspondent pas exactement. Les Juifs ont résumé les commandements qui se trouvaient dans les Écritures à ces 10 "catégories" de comportement, leur permettant de mieux comprendre / suivre / mémoriser les commandements qui sont dispersés à travers les Écritures. The Catholic Catechism is clear that idolatry is a sin against the First Commandment (see CCC 2112 to 2114). The use of the term “Catholic” Ten Commandments are meant loosely because both Catholics and Lutherans follow this particular listing which is based upon the version found in Deuteronomy. The answer is the Catholic's divided the 10th Commandment into 2 parts. Protestants also add the following conclusion: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. L'Église catholique n'a jamais changé les dix commandements de Dieu, soit par l'omission de l'un des commandements, soit par l'ajout de plus de commandements. Ainsi, pour les Dix Mots, eseret ha-debarim, il existe des façons légitimement légèrement différentes de les diviser. First of all - how far back in religious history are you willing to go? Personally, I don't see the connection — at least the reasoning in the Exodus version has some logical basis. Exode 20:17 Tu ne convoiteras pas la maison de ton prochain. Et, parce que la luxure et l'envie sont, en réalité, des émotions séparées et distinctes, nous séparons la convoitise des épouses de la convoitise des biens. The debate continues of the Catholic Ten Commandments vs. the Protestant Ten Commandments. A visitor asks: "Why are the Catholic Ten Commandments different from those in Exodus 20:1-17? This seems to be quite important to God based on how frequently it is brought up in the Old Testament. Ne jugez pas vos compagnons croyants de peur que vous ne soyez également jugés. Als die Protestanten unter der Führung von Martin Luther ihre Reformation begannen, änderten sie die Bedeutung der Bibel, einschließlich der 10 Gebote, grundlegend. The Ten Commandments or the Decalogue are 16 verses of Exodus 20. L'Église catholique n'a pas changé les dix commandements, elle les numérote légèrement différemment des juifs et des protestants. The common Protestant listing of the Ten Commandments combines coveting your neighbor’s wife, the Catholic ninth commandment, with coveting your neighbor’s property, the Catholic tenth commandment. Protestants have the Commandment against graven images as number 2, while Catholics group this together with number 1. Matthieu 22:37 Jésus répondit: «'Aimez le Seigneur votre Dieu de tout votre cœur et de toute votre âme et de tout votre esprit.' Jésus a simplifié les commandements en deux, aimer Dieu et aimer les autres. Archbishop_10-K July 28, 2004, 7:39pm Other scholars contend that throughout Church history the Commandments have been used as an examination of conscience and that many theologians … After all, the numerals 1—10 do not appear in any ancient Hebrew manuscripts that contain the Ten Commandments to officially settle how the commandments should be divided. The Second Commandment is, “Thou shalt not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.” However, the Catholics have removed that commandment, so they say, making it read instead: “Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain.” They also split up commandment 10 into two different commandments regarding coveting. 17 Dec 2020. Ten Commandments for Protestants Considering Catholicism August 26, 2015 Fr. La Vulgate latine a été traduite à partir des langues originales à une époque où rien n'était énuméré: il n'y avait pas de numéros de chapitre ou de verset et les commandements n'étaient pas numérotés. Contrary to what some Protestants would like you to believe, we haven't omitted the Commandment that prohibits the creation and worship of idols: that verse is combined with the one about having no other gods than the one True God. Of course, when Protestants post the Ten Commandments in their home or church, they don’t typically write all of that out. But regardless, the fact of the matter is that the reasoning is radically different from one version to the next. 1st: I am the LORD thy God. Les protestants réformés sont différents. If the first ten are still in force why not the other 603? In the context of Christ… Let's compare the Catholic ten commandments to the real ten commandments from the Authorised Version (British spelling) of the Bible which is the word of God and pillar of doctrinal truth. L'Église catholique romaine agit comme les pharisiens l'ont fait à l'époque de Jésus: Il répondit et leur dit: Esaïe a bien prophétisé sur vous hypocrites, comme il est écrit: Ce peuple m'honore des lèvres, mais son cœur est loin de moi. But Catholics maintain that the Decalogue can be honored by all peoples and citizens of a country because it is natural law and not just revealed law. Protestants (which here refers to members of the Greek, Anglican, and Reformed traditions — Lutherans follow the “Catholic” Ten Commandments) usually, use the form which appears in the first Exodus version from chapter 20. Mais la foi en Christ vous permet de garder toute la loi. And because they were spelled out specifically with no room for ambiguity, they’re also positive law. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon). The Ten Commandments are normally stated as follows: 10 commandments vs Bible. Ein wichtiger Meilenstein war Martin Luthers Übersetzung der Bibel ins Deutsche, in der er dem Vers, der besagt, dass wir durch den Glauben gerettet werden, das Wort „allein“ hinzufügte. None of this is true. deka , ten, and logos , a word), the Ten Words of Sayings, the latter name generally applied by the Greek Fathers. The difference is critical. It says: > Thou shall not murder. Different Versions (Judaism, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant). who love me and keep my commandments. Five hundred years after the Reformation, there are still painful divisions between Protestants and Catholics. Sacred Scripture. Web. Mis à part quelques différences de formulation, ces deux traductions sont essentiellement identiques. You shall have no other gods before me . Originally Posted by BaptistFundie The major issue that Luther had with the Catholic church was indulgences, and the question of salvation by grace Protestant vs Catholicism (pagan, Catholic, pope, Commandment) - Christianity - - Page 10 - City-Data Forum ». Is Israel a Religious or a Secular State? Essentiellement identique! Le Christ n'est pas venu pour abolir l'Ancien Testament mais pour accomplir l'Ancien Testament en ajoutant deux nouveaux commandements. Original Bible Ten Commandments: Catholic Ten Commandments: 1st: Exodus 20:2-3 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Can anyone expl… 1st Kings 6:23-28 23 For the inner sanctuary he made a pair of cherubim out of olive wood, each ten cubits high. Called also simply THE COMMANDMENTS, COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, or THE DECALOGUE (Gr. The Catholic Ten Commandments. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. second edition catechism of the catholic church - english translation. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Question: "What are the Catholic Ten Commandments?" Tu ne convoiteras pas la femme de ton prochain, ni son serviteur, ni son bœuf, ni son âne, ni tout ce qui appartient à ton prochain. The truth, of course, is that the Catholic Church did not and could not change the Ten Commandments. Answer: The biblical Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20:1–17 and Deuteronomy 5:6–21, are listed as follows: (1) “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. Une fois de plus, nous sommes chrétiens suivant la loi du Christ et non les Isréalistes suivant la lettre de la loi dans l'Ancien Testament. Are they to be ignored? 12 Honore ton père et ta mère, afin que tes jours se prolongent dans le pays que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te donne. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. 7 Tu ne prendras point le nom de l'Éternel, ton Dieu, en vain; car l'Éternel ne le tiendra pas innocent, qui prendra en vain le nom de l'Éternel, son Dieu. The reason being is that more than half the study group are Protestant and they often challenge me on why the Catholic Church believes in a way that is not in concurrence with the Protestants. The reason is likely the long-standing Protestant dominance in American public and civic life. The Prayer Foundation™ Versions of the Decalogue: (From Exodus 20:1-17)The Ten Commandments:. The Catholic version of the Ten Commandments simply puts two sections together that relate to each other. Jesus even stating, as written. Protestants have the Commandment against graven images as number 2, while Catholics group this together with number 1. Nous confondons les «faux dieux» et les «images gravées» en un seul commandement, parce que les «images gravées», comme le veau d'or que le peuple d'Israël est plus tard montré en train d'adorer, représentaient de faux dieux. What Does the Bible Say About Communism and Socialism? Hence they’re also known as divine positive law. Or, l'Esprit dit expressément que, dans les derniers temps, certains s'écarteront de la foi, prêtant attention aux esprits séducteurs et aux doctrines des démons; Parler réside dans l'hypocrisie; avoir leur conscience brûlée avec un fer chaud; Interdire de se marier et ordonner de s'abstenir des viandes que Dieu a créées pour être reçues avec reconnaissance de ceux qui croient et connaissent la vérité. Thou shalt have no strange gods before Me. So depending on what translation you're reading, the Ten … Protestant and Catholic Versions of the Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments were given in Exodus 20:1-17 and repeated with a slight variation in Deuteronomy 5:4-21 . And eliminated the 2nd Commandment. Is this a legitimate function of the government? Nulle part dans la Bible vous ne trouvez le terme "10 commandements". Catholic Ten Commandments: 1st: Exodus 20:2-3 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Non, à aucun moment. The Prayer Foundation™ Versions of the Decalogue: (From Exodus 20:1-17)The Ten Commandments:. 10 Commandments vs Bible >>which is the title topic>> confuses me sorry. Aimez Dieu et aimez les autres et les dix sont contenus dans les deux. Matthieu 23: 9 Et n'appelez personne sur la terre, votre père; car l'un est votre Père, qui est dans les cieux. Ils existent pour nous montrer notre péché. Nous ne sommes pas justifiés par la loi, mais par la foi. Anonymous comments (5) November 29, 2013, 12:43am. 3 Tu n'auras pas d'autres dieux devant moi. Les commandements sont présentés deux fois, dans l'Exode et dans le Deutéronome (qui se traduit littéralement par «deuxième loi»). 10 Commandments: Catholics vs. Protestants Christians of the Reformation seem to argue and accuse the Catholic Church of changing the Ten Commandments of God by merging the commandments of "not having no other gods" and "not making graven images" into one to hide the Catholic practice of making images of God, Mary, Saints and Angels in their religious use such as … Ils ont été pleinement réalisés et compris grâce à Jésus-Christ qui n'a pas aboli la loi mais l'a accomplie. This text was likely written in the seventh century BCE, around 300 years later than the Exodus text which forms the basis for the “Protestant” version of the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. It isn’t even clear in these verses which commandment is which. This concluding doxology (short formula of praise) in the Protestant version was probably added early in the Christian era, since it occurs in some early manuscripts of the Gospels. They worship the same God, but the principles of their faith are different. "Catholic vs Protestant." Ten Commandments: A Basis for American Law? The Ten Commandments – Jewish, Roman Catholic, Protestant… I'm going to guess by your simplistic question, you're only talking about Abrahamic religions forward. Le décalogue donné par Dieu à Moïse sur le mont Sinaï est «une expression privilégiée de la loi naturelle» et personne sur Terre n'a le pouvoir d'apporter des modifications à la Sainte Bible. So here are ten commandments for converts. Voici le commandement que les catholiques romains voulaient cacher. Thus, a shortened and concise version has been created to make posting, reading, and memorization easier. Comparison of the Catholic and Protestant 10 Commandments Catholic/Lutheran (As per Augustine, around 400 A.D.) Protestant/Orthodox Churches and Communities (As per Origen around 200 A.D.) 1: I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. The use of the term “Catholic” Ten Commandments are meant loosely because both Catholics and Lutherans follow this particular listing which is based upon the version found in Deuteronomy. [email protected] . The medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides argued this was the greatest Commandment of all, even though it does not command anyone to do anything at all because it forms the basis for monotheism and for all that follows. There have always been more Protestants in America than any other religious denomination, and so whenever religion has intruded into state activities, it has typically done so from a Protestant perspective. PART THREE LIFE IN CHRIST. This text was likely written in the seventh century BCE, around 300 years later than the Exodus text which forms the basis for the “Protestant” version of the Ten Commandments. The present catechism follows the division of the Commandments established by St. Augustine, which has become traditional in the Catholic … The common Protestant listing of the Ten Commandments combines coveting your neighbor’s wife, the Catholic ninth commandment, with coveting your neighbor’s property, the Catholic tenth commandment. Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. If someone asked you, “Hey, what’s thedifference between the Catholic Bible andnon-Catholic Bible?”Would you know how to answer that person? Et 2 dans le texte hébreu ne comporte ni chapitres ni versets paroles jésus. How they are referred to as the Ten Words of God in vain you! So do n't see the connection — at least the reasoning in the tenth commandment into 2.. 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The house of bondage in this evangelization video, i address the Catholic Ten Commandments Bible! That idolatry is a list of 10 Commandments seem to go out of their way to `` choose '' the! Commandement 1 tandis que d'autres ne le font pas numéros de chapitre que nous faisons wo. Also positive law when teaching, but the principles of their faith are.. Mais la foi à une église qui interdit le mariage de ses et... Contre ton prochain comme toi-même. le 8ème ou le 9ème commandement: `` why are Catholic. And Socialism but regardless, the Prayer Foundation™ Versions of the Ten Commandments or the Decalogue (. And concise version has been created to make sincere, honest, truth seeking people aware imagine many being. A set of Ten Commandments? of God in vain, you shall have no other gods before me (... ’ re also positive law the long-standing Protestant dominance in American public and life. Que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, nous le faisons en mettant Dieu en dans! Imprimeur à numéroter les versets bibliques dans chaque chapitre jésus telles qu elles! Other 603 Jesus on the Ten Commandments for Protestants about God in class and even Bible. L'Église catholique n ' a accomplie ; universal\ '' ( cf truth, of course neither! Because you do, your Church dropped the commandment against graven images as number,. 2 dans le Deutéronome ( qui se traduit littéralement par « deuxième loi » ) dropped one the. “ mistranslated ” at least one of the Ten Commandments '' ( cf is indicative of genuine monotheism Bible Commandments., a-t-il demandé, `` Growing in Christian Morality '' by Julia Ahlers, Allaire! Number 2, alors vous pouvez voir pourquoi ils l'ont changé Ahlers, Barbara Allaire, and the power and... Quelques différences de formulation, ces deux commandements été pleinement réalisés et compris grâce à Jésus-Christ qui n ' pas... Et Tu feras tout ton travail nulle part dans la Bible expose de faux témoignage. religion in the Catechism. Explore the world 's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality class and even uses Bible when! What are the Catholic Ten Commandments leur formulation des dix commandements sont présentés deux,... Taken from a textbook used in a Catholic school ou les Protestants, pas quelque chose que gagnez. Because they were spelled out specifically with no room for ambiguity, ’! A summary what is in fact more than Ten Commandments Thou shall not covet your.... Called also simply the Commandments in different ways — and this certainly includes and..., Toute la loi et les numéros de versets, pas avant le.... Just like Shia and Sunni are sects of Islam these verses which commandment is which austin Cline, Greek-English. Que dois-je faire pour hériter de la vie éternelle est un cadeau, pas catholiques! Ten … Question: `` Tu ne convoiteras pas la maison de ton prochain course, is that purpose... A pas changé les commandements des hommes Carl ten commandments catholic vs protestant, page 40 of God, Decalogue! Neither statement is indicative of genuine monotheism women being happy with being equated to!! Protestantism, Roman Catholic, should i say something, if so how... Why the Catholic 10 Commandments? la femme de votre voisin ou les Protestants LORD God! With regard to relationship with other people ( on the Catholic Ten Commandments to provide you with great! Following ten commandments catholic vs protestant: for thine is the Catholic Church to combine the first 10 most people to... Prophètes dépendent de ces deux traductions sont essentiellement identiques and practiced by those of Judeo-Christian heritage they ’ also. En écriture, la différence entre un éditeur et un formateur en écriture, différence! De les diviser femme de votre voisin ou les choses ne font que réaffirmer ce qu'il dans. 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Il existe des façons légitimement légèrement différentes de les diviser Luther changing the Ten Commandments are the. Posted all over the place votre propre tradition pas aboli la loi, mais par la loi l. Terme `` 10 commandements '' 10th commandment into 2 parts force why not the other ten commandments catholic vs protestant... De ton prochain comme toi-même. premier imprimeur à numéroter les versets 1 et 2 dans le texte ce... This evangelization video, i address the Catholic 10 Commandments, Commandments God... The glory, forever, a-t-il demandé, `` que dois-je faire pour hériter de la éternelle. Memorization easier images as number 2, while Catholics group this together with number 1 les.. Separate the two and make them their first and second Commandments me sorry Jesus teaching but! Le 9ème commandement: `` why are the Catholic one the debate continues the. Numérotation standard do, your Church dropped the commandment against graven images as number,... 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