JOL>Collections>perspectives on 21st Century education


Perspectives on 21st Century Education

Discipline Specific Organizations

Here are the position statements released by some content areas (adapted from Ryan Bretag)

National Council of Teachers of English

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Science Teachers Association

National Science Foundation (2008)

National Association of Biology Teachers (2009)

21st Century Skills (from their blog, interesting take)

National Council of Social Studies

National Association for Sport and Physical Education

Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation

Specific Groups, Papers and Documents that support 21st Century Education

PEW Internet and American Life Project

Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century | Henry Jenkins et. al

Learning: Peering Backward and Looking Forward in the Digital Era

Digital Youth Research: Kids Informal Learning with Digital Media

A Collection of Essays on Participatory Culture

Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning

Digital Literacy and Citizenship in the 21st Century | CommonSense


Educause| Educase Quarterly (be sure to see the Learning Spaces issue)

International Journal of Learning and Media

First Monday

eLearn Magazine