Here are tools that can be used to drive the process of digital storytelling:
Pinnacle Studio 9: 30-day free trial for the PC
iMovie: great Apple product for producing digital storytelling movies
Photostory 3: free download from Microsoft and a great way to get started
MovieMaker 2: free download, similar to iMovie on the Apple side.
Adobe Premiere Elements: new software; I do not believe it includes voice-over capability, a major limitation. Future versions bear watching, but this will not be a serious digital storytelling tool until it does. Download information here.
Kitzu: Have young students? Digital kits that contain the elements of a digital story are available from KOCE-TV
irfanview: great simple image editor for the PC side.
SUPPORTIVE WEB SITES:; download royalty free music for projects
Creative Commons Search at Flickr: who will be bold enough to give this a try? Use Attribution and Noncommercial Creative Commons licensing to obtain imagery that could be used to create digital storytelling projects. An absolutely fantastic way to use a teachable moment to discuss copyright and do it with the way original works will be licensed (at least in my opinion). What I like even better is to create a personal story using someone else's original photography. How cool. Be careful about inappropriate photography!!
Dave uses Sennheiser PC-130 noise-cancelling microphones in his digital storytelling classes and workshops. Available from dbl distributing. Unfortunately, I cannot link directly to the catalog page--type in Sennheiser in the upper left seach box of this page and the PC-130 is found as the last entry in page 7 of the search (as of 3-5-05).